"I believe in the sun, even when it’s not shining”
Author Unknown, written during WWII, on the wall of a cellar, by a Jew in Cologne.
This year we are preparing to celebrate Christmas in a way unlike any in recent history.
As we gather around the words of the anonymous poet and the story of Jesus’ birth, we will be inspired to nurture and act upon our belief in hope, peace, joy and love, even when we are separated and discouraged.
Please join us for the four weeks of Advent, our Blue Christmas Service and our Christmas Eve celebrations.

Advent One “We Believe in Hope”
Sunday November 29th, 2020
Recorded Service with Rev. Nancy, Rev. Carla and Julian Pattison.
Scripture Readings: Isaiah 40: 1-11 and Mark 1: 1-8
10:00 am
Wild Church – All Ages In Person Outdoor Worship Service with Anne Ellis
Register Here
Advent Kits – Deadline November 25
A limited number of Advent Wreath making kits will be available for pick up between 10:00 am to 1:00pm.
Pre-order Advent Wreath Kits

Spiritual Practice Experience
You can participate in a virtual Spiritual Practice experience.

Advent Two “We Believe in Peace”
Sunday December 6th, 2020
Recorded Communion Service with Rev. Nancy, Rev. Carla and Julian Pattison
Scripture Readings: Matthew 1: 1-25

Advent Three “We Believe in Joy”
Sunday December 13th, 2020
Recorded Service with Rev. Nancy and Rev. Carla. Music Team: Marcus Mosely, Dominique Hogan, Mary Sparks, Christian and Dan Morrison and Julian Pattison
Scripture Readings: Luke 1: 26-56

Blue Christmas
Wednesday December 16th, 2020
Recorded service of music and reflections especially for those who are grieving or struggling with the season.

Advent Four “We Believe in Love”
Sunday December 20th, 2020
Recorded Service with Rev. Nancy, Rev. Carla and Julian Pattison
Scripture Readings: Isaiah 9: 2-7 and John 1: 1-18

Christmas Eve: “We Believe Even When….”
Thursday December 24th, 2020
At noon on Christmas Eve, two recorded services will be available. One will be aimed at families with children 5 years of age and under. The other will be our traditional candle light service with music, readings, reflections and a virtual pageant. Bring your own candle!