What's Happening


During this time of social distancing, we invite you to continue to connect with our community as we re-imagine a more beautiful sense of collective well being.

Though we stay apart, we can be together in our wishes, hopes, and dreams for our community.  Join us in sharing your wishes with the community on our Wish Tree this Lenten season. (Feb 17th – April 2nd 2021)

Leave your own wish and read the wishes left by others. Invite others to share a wish.

If visiting the tree is not possible, you can also email your wishes to be added to our tree.


Outside Mount Seymour United Church.


Lenten season.
(Feb 17th – April 2nd 2021).


All of our community is welcome.

How to participate

Make a Wish.
Write it down on a tag provided.
Tie it to the tree.
Ask a friend to do the Same.
Keep Wishing until the tree is covered in wishes.

more info

Please contact Anne Ellis for more information. She can be reached at annemountseymour@gmail.com