Mental Health
Vancouver Coastal Mental Health - Vancouver Hospital
604-675-3710 Group therapy for depression, anxiety, stress. Individual mental health assessments.
SAFER - Vancouver Coastal Health
604-675-3700 For Vancouver residents, provides counselling for individuals age 19 and over who have made a suicide attempt, are currently suicidal, or have suicidal thoughts; also offers support and education for people who are concerned about the risk of suicide in a significant other or bereaved by a suicide death.
Kelty’s Key Online Therapy - Vancouver Coastal Health
604-675-3700 Free, cognitive-behavioural online therapy for qualifying Vancouver residents. Registered online clients are assigned an online psychotherapist for time-limited sessions. The general public may also access the online courses in a self-help capacity (without therapist assistance).
Bounce Back Program - Canadian Mental Health Association
1-866-639-0522 Telephone coaching for adults and youth (15+) with mild-moderate depression with or without accompanying anxiety. Coaching available in English, Cantonese, French and Punjabi. Family doctor’s referral required to access the coaching program. Free.
Mood Disorders Association of BC - Counselling and Wellness Centre
604-873-0103 ext. 2 Individual therapy with certified counsellor ($85-$95 an hour) or intern ($50 hour). Group therapy also available.
Wellness Together Canada (Phone Counselling)
1-866-585-0445 Register with this service and speak with a professional counsellor 24/7. Counsellors rotate. Free. Text support also available by texting WELLNESS to 741741.
Family Services of the North Shore
604-988-5281 Professional counselling for residents of the North Shore. Sliding Scale.
Oak Counselling
604-988-5281 Secular counselling services provided at the Vancouver Unitarian Centre by supervised volunteers with Master’s degrees in psychology or psychology-related fields. Individual and couples counselling.
JFS Vancouver
604-558-5726 Therapy services to youth, adults, seniors, couples, and families. Fee for a Registered Clinical Counsellor ranges from $30-110 and is based upon client income from their Notice of Assessment. Free counselling is offered by supervised intern students.
Family Services of Greater Vancouver, Student Internship Counselling Program
604-874-2938 Counselling provided by supervised counselling interns, September to April only. No fee. Offices in Vancouver, Richmond and New West.
Adler Centre - Counselling Clinic
604-742-1818 Subsidized individual and couples counselling. Counselling provided by counselling psychology graduate students at the Adler Centre, supervised by an experienced clinician. $60-$85 to see a counselling intern; $100-$110 with registered counsellor.
Scarfe Counselling - UBC
604-827-1523 Free for adults and children 10+. Counselling provided by counselling psychology graduate students, supervised by a psychologist. Clinic runs from September to April.
UBC Psychology Clinic
604-822-3005 Counselling services provided by doctoral student interns, supervised by registered psychologists, serving youth and adults. $10-$40 per hour. Availability of services fluctuates.
Canadian Mental Health Association: North and West Vancouver Branch
Brief Counselling Service - 604-987-6959 Up to 12 sessions of counselling for North Shore residents without open ICBC, WCB or other insurance carrier claims. Therapy provided by intern ($30) or registered clinical counsellor ($60).
Living Systems Counselling
604-926-5496 Individual, couple and family counselling using Bowen Family Systems Therapy. Lower-cost counselling provided by supervised interns ($15-$65) at some branches only.
Moving Forward Family Services
778-321-3054 Counselling for individuals and families. Counselling primarily offered in Surrey, with limited availability in Vancouver, Port Moody and Abbotsford. Graduate-level counsellors ($50-$65) and counselling interns ($20). Limited free counselling available in exceptional circumstances.
Gordon Neighbourhood House
604-683-2554 or Free short term virtual counselling for community members, provided by registered clinical counsellors. Individuals, couples and groups. Downtown Vancouver.
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House, Counselling Services Free program offered twice a week by counselling interns from City University. Individuals, couples and families.
Little Mountain Neighbourhood House - Counselling and Art Therapy Programs
604-879-7104 (Ask for Lynette) Counselling provided by counselling interns, by appointment only. Building is accessible.
Kitsilano Neighbourhood House
604-736-3588 ext.128 or Counselling by phone or Zoom, in partnership with Moving Forward Family Services and City University; provided by counselling interns.$10/session suggested donation
Vancouver Art Therapy Institute Student Clinic
Self refer by emailing Art therapy by students supervised by registered art therapists who are also clinical counsellors. $10 materials fee for in-person sessions or free virtual sessions. Serves adults and adolescents.
Living Through Loss Counselling Society of BC
604-873-5013 Professional grief counselling related to life change or loss. Group therapy also available. Small fund available for limited, subsidized counselling. Call to inquire.
Vancouver Women’s Health Collective - Wellness Counselling
604-736-5262 Counselling and art therapy available on select days.
Avalon Women - North Shore Centre
604.913.0477 All Avalon Women’s Centres have:• 12-step support groups• Clothing closet• A resource library• Computer with internet access• Volunteer opportunities• Endless coffee and tea • A listening ear and a helping hand #300-132 E 14th Street, North Vancouver, BC V7L 2N3, Drop-in Hours: Mon - Fri, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Heath Initiative for Men (HIM)
604-488-1001 ext. 230 Brief professional counselling (8 sessions) is available to gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men either by donation equivalent to hourly wage. Vancouver, New Westminster, Surrey, Abbotsford.
Qmunity - Counselling Program
604-684-5307 ext.107 Counselling for members of the LGBTQ+ communities provided by Registered Social Workers and Clinical Counsellors. $60-$140 a session. Daytime only. 10-session limit.
Catherine White Holman Wellness Centre
604-442-4352 Counselling currently limited to hormone and surgery readiness for trans and gender-diverse people.
Mosaic - I Belong Program
236-991-0107 or Support groups for LGBTQIA+ refugees and immigrants. Groups available online during Covid.
Specialized Counselling & Trauma Services - Family Services of Greater Vancouver
604-874-2938 Professional counselling for women, children, survivors of incest/trauma/sexual abuse, pregnant women with a trauma history and those experiencing family violence. No fee, however may require a referral from a social worker.
604-255-1881 or Toll Free: 1-866-393-3133 Trauma-focused psychological counselling for refugees in one-on-one and group settings. Services provided in over a dozen languages.
Residential Historical Abuse Program
604-875-4255 Free counselling for those who were sexually abused while under the care of the province (foster care, group homes, etc.)
BC Society for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse
604-682-6482 Registered clinical counsellors (RCCs) provide individual and group counselling for male survivors of sexual abuse. RCC fee: $100 for individual counselling. Group counselling: $40 per week. Reduced cost counselling provided by practicum students at $45/hr. Victim services workers on staff to help apply for funding for those who qualify.
Battered Women’s Support Services
604-687-1867 Counselling and support services for any woman who has been abused in an intimate relationship as well as women survivors of childhood sexual abuse, adult sexual assault and Indigenous residential school survivors.
Crime Victims Assistance Program - Victim Link BC
1-800-563-0808 (available 24/7) Funded counselling for victims of crime, their immediate family members and witnesses.
WAVAW Rape Crisis Centre
604-255-6228 Individual counselling and group support for cis and trans women, two-spirit, trans and/or non- binary people who have experienced sexual assault.
MMIWG2S Family Counselling Program-WAVAW Rape Crisis Centre
604-255-6344 Free counselling for family members of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit people. Family members includes extended families, community families and self- identified family members.
Atira Community Services Society - Stopping The Violence Counselling
604-331-1407 ext. 106 or 107 Free individual and group counselling for women and transwomen who have experienced relationship abuse, sexual assault, or physical, emotional or sexual abuse.
First Nations Health Authority
1-800-317-7878 (Toll Free) Provides coverage to access mental health providers, including counsellors, social workers, and psychologists. FNHB covers three mental health programs: Short-Term Crisis Intervention, Indian Residential School Resolution Health Support Program, and the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls - Health Support Services.
Metro Vancouver Indigenous Counselling
Free professional counselling for Indigenous individuals across BC, registered with the First Nations Health Authority. Waitlist form:
Vancouver Black Therapy and Advocacy Foundation
Non-profit organization linking Black community members with accredited Black local counsellors in Metro Vancouver. Priority for Black, disabled and LGBTQIA+ folks.
Indigenous Counselling Program - WAVAW Rape Crisis Centre
604-255-6344 Free one-to-one counselling for Indigenous including trans and cis women, as well as trans, non-binary, and Two Spirit people, incorporating Aboriginal healing approaches and traditions based on the Medicine Wheel.
Addictions Services, Vancouver Coastal Health
604-675-3710 Substance use assessment, counselling and treatment planning for individuals, couples and families. Group counselling also available. Free.
BC Responsible and Problem Gambling Program
1-888-795-6111 (available 24/7) Free professional, multilingual counselling for any British Columbian struggling with their own or their family member’s gambling. Counsellors have a minimum of a Master’s degree in a counselling-related discipline.
Native Courtworker and Counselling Association of BC
604-628-1134 Drug and Alcohol Outpatient Services - 520 Richards St. Vancouver Walk in or call to set up an appointment. One-to-one adult, youth, family and group counselling for Indigenous people, part of an intensive outpatient treatment program.
SUCCESS - Individual and Family Counselling
604-408-7266 or 604-684-1628 Counselling offered in Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Farsi and English with a focus on helping new immigrants of Chinese and other ethnic origins. Play and art therapy also available. Fees charged on a sliding scale based on income.
MOSAIC - Stopping The Violence Family Counselling
604-254-9626 (Ask for the Stopping the Violence Counsellor and/or the Women’s Support Worker). Free, confidential counselling support and multicultural outreach services for women who have experienced, or are at risk of, abuse, threats, or violence in an intimate relationship, sexual assault or childhood abuse. 1:1 counselling and group support. Services available in English, Punjabi and Hindi.
MOSAIC - Vietnamese Family Support Program -
604-254-9626 ext.1030 (Ask for the Vietnamese Family Support Program). One-on-one or family support and counselling for a variety of life issues. Services available in Vietnamese and English.
Vancouver and Lower Mainland Multicultural Family Support Services Society Multicultural Outreach/ Stopping the Violence Program
604-436-1025 Individual counselling, group counselling, advocacy, crisis intervention and referrals for women experiencing any form of abuse or violence, provided in numerous languages.
YURT (Youth Urgent Response Team)
YURT is a confidential, mobile service for North Shore youth who need mental health support within 24 to 72 hours, but do not require emergency care. The YURT program is available Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. To get help from the YURT Team, contact 604-230- 0389. Foundry Youth Services 211 West 1st Street
Urban Native Youth Association (UNYA) - Counselling Program
604-253-5885 or (intake counsellor works on Mondays) Free individual and group clinical counselling for Indigenous youth, ages 13-24. Or contact the Wellness Centre for drop-in counselling hours: native-youth-health-wellness-centre/
Dan’s Legacy - Therapeutic Counselling
Program Counselling for youth ages 15-25 who have experienced abuse or are affected by substance use. Family counselling also available. Bursaries available for those unable to afford therapy.
Drop-In Counselling Program - The Foundry
1-833-308-6379 Single-session virtual counselling for youth ages 12-24 and their caregivers. Counselling by voice, video or chat.
Trauma Counselling for Children Affected by Family Violence (PEACE)
604-436-1025 Vancouver and Lower Mainland Multicultural Family Support Services Society Counselling available for children ages 3-18 who have been exposed to domestic violence.
Kids Help Phone - 24/7 - In English or French
1-800-668-6868 - to talk to a professional counsellor (to start live chat) or access online resources text CONNECT to 686868 for crisis text support - Phone, text or live chat. Anonymous and confidential. No need to give your name.
Callanish Society
604-732-0633 Counselling for adults and youth affected by cancer at any stage, and for their family members. Counselling also available for family members grieving the loss of a loved one from cancer. Sliding scale rate ranging from $50 to $150 / session.
Adapt Clinic - Genetic Counselling Program
BC Women’s Hospital Contact: Angela Inglis: 604-875-2726 or Emily Morris: 604-875-2000 ext. 6787 Free 1:1 counselling for anyone of any age who has a diagnosis or family history of a mental health disorder, seeking to better understand potential risks associated with the mental health condition as well as strategies for protecting future mental health.
Chuck Jung Associates Psychological & Counselling Services*
604-874-6574 No-cost counselling for individuals with traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and their family members, delivered at Port Coquitlam and Burnaby offices by supervised psychology doctoral students. *While not a non-profit organization, availability of counselling services in the community for people affected by TBIs is extremely limited, hence inclusion on this list
Extended Health Benefits
If you have extended health through your employer, check with HR or your insurance plan to see whether your employer has paid for counselling benefits. Sometimes this is a separate, contracted service (Employee Assistance Program), other times you are covered for a particular counselling professional such as a Registered Social Worker (RSW or RCSW), Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) or a Registered Psychologist (R.Psych), whom you would hire privately. Be clear on who you’re covered for if reimbursement is important to you! Typically, you would pay the therapiss first and they give you a receipt for reimbursement through your extended health. I have written extensively counselling options, including third-party, employee assistance programs, private and subsidized, in the following article:
Some private counsellors and clinics offer subsidized counselling, usually provided by counselling students. This generally requires contacting counsellors and clinics directly to inquire. This can be a tedious process, therefore I recommend creating a standardized inquiry email and to get names off of centralized directories like:
Counselling BC –
Healing in Colour –
If you know of a not-for-profit agency offering a professional, lower-cost counselling service that I have not included, please let me know! Corrections also welcome. I am unable to accept submissions from private counsellors or private counselling agencies offering subsidized counselling.
As agencies change over time, please check with the above services to ensure accuracy of the information provided here. Note that many programs will have wait lists, or wait lists may be closed. You may wish to add yourself to several waiting lists to potentially increase the speed of you being able to access counselling.
Inclusion of the above resources does not indicate an endorsement of them or an affiliation with Willow Tree Counselling.
Please note that Willow Tree Counselling does not provide sliding scale or pro-bono counselling to new clients as current reduced-cost counselling spaces are full.
Information revised by Willow Tree Counselling in January 2022. Please check https:// if you think you may have an old copy.
If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 911.
1-800-SUICIDE, BC-wide, 24/7.
Wellness Together Canada – 1-866-585-0445 Phone counselling: 24/7 access to a professional Or text WELLNESS to 741741.
Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of BC – 24/7: Phone 604-872-3311 (Vancouver) or 1-866-661-3311 (toll free); Chat (noon-1am): or youth chat: (noon-1am)
Health Link BC – Nurse Line – 24/7 – Phone: 8-1-1 or 7-1-1 (hearing impaired)
First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line and On-line Counselling Toll Free: 1-855-242-3310 Chat Line:
Immediate counselling and crisis intervention to all Indigenous people across the country.
KUU-US Indigenous Crisis Line (24/7) Toll Free: 1- 800-588-8717
Adult/Elder: 250-723-4050 Child/Youth: 250-723-2040
National Residential School Crisis Line (former residential school students) 24/7 –
WAVAW 24-7 Rape Crisis Line – 604-255-6344 or Toll-Free: 1-877-392-7583
Kids Help Phone – 24/7 – 1-800-668-6868 or Text CONNECT to 686868
Youth Against Violence Line – 24/7: 1-800-680-4264 or Text: 604-836-6381
TTY: 604-875-0885. Help for youth in danger or being threatened.
Chinese Help Lines – 604-270-8233 (Cantonese) 604-270-8222 (Mandarin) -10am-10pm
Trans Lifeline – Toll Free in Canada: 1-877-330-6366 – support hotline run by and for trans people. 7am-1am Pacific
Critical Incident Response – WorkSafe BC – 1-888-922-3700 (9am-11pm, 7 days wk) For workers who have witnessed a traumatic incident in the workplace.
Gambling Support Line (24/7) – 1-888-795-6111
Seniors Abuse and Information Line – 604-437-1940 / Toll-Free: 1-866-437-1940 TTY: 604-428-3359 or TTY toll-free 1-855-306-1443.
Weekdays 8am-8pm; Weekends 10am to 5:30pm, excluding statutory holidays.
Access and Assessment Centre (AAC) – 604-675-3700 Non-life-threatening mental health or addictions concerns – 7:30am-11pm, 7 days a week. Phone or drop in. – Segal Centre, VGH – 803 12th Ave. Vancouver. Response times may vary.