~ Nurturing Spirit
~ Being Community
~ Living Generously

Hello Friends,

By now you will have heard news of the horrendous shooting that took place over the weekend in Nova Scotia.  We have been invited by the minister of Tatamagouche Pastoral Charge to light a candle, place it in a window, take a picture, offer a prayer and then post the picture on social media with the hashtag #light4NovaScotia to create a virtual sign of solidarity between 8 and 9pm this evening. (please see below)

If you are not social media savvy, we invite you to simply light a candle and say a prayer, trusting that in the great mystery that is our life together your prayers will make a difference.

Over these last several weeks we have been united with all humanity as we together face the uncertainty and challenge of the pandemic we are experiencing.  Now it is time for us to come together as a nation to stand in solidarity with Nova Scotians and particularly those who are feeling acutely the pain of these tragic deaths.

Let us continue to be united as an Easter people who say yes to life in the face of death and love in the face of hatred and division.

Nancy and Carla

We are Happy to Hear from You!

Rev. Nancy Talbot – Lead Minister –  nancytalbot@shaw.ca   604-929-4114

Rev. Carla Wilks – Associate Minister –  wilkscarla@gmail.com   604-340-4009

Anne Ellis – Children and Families Minister  – annerell@gmail.com

Cindy Nelms – Office Administrator  – mtsuc@shaw.ca   604-929-1336

Alexis Doss – Thrift Shop Manager – mtseymourthriftshop@gmail.com  604-339-4399




Mount Seymour United Church
1200 Parkgate Avenue, North Vancouver V7H 2X9
US on facebook – www.facebook.com/mtseymourunited
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