Letter in PDF format here.
December 17, 2024
Dear friends,
On behalf of the Council and staff of Mount Seymour United Church, I would like to extend
our sincere best wishes to you and your families this Christmas season. May you be
blessed with hope, peace, joy and love throughout Advent and the year ahead.
As we all know, we are fortunate to belong to a kind, supportive community at Mount
Seymour – one that holds each other up in times of trial. None of us could have imagined
that we would be called to hold up Rev. Nancy, Nathan and Joel when Brenda was tragically
killed in a motor vehicle accident while driving home from Winnipeg this fall. In addition to
being a loving partner, mother, daughter, sister and friend, Brenda was a brilliant
theologian, teacher and mentor, and it’s fitting that many members of our congregation
supported the bursary fund for theological students that was set up in her memory. Many of
us watched the livestream of Brenda’s memorial service, which honoured the bright,
compassionate, funny person she was – someone who, in particular, was always such an
integral part of our Christmas Eve services. Thank you for all the ways you have provided
support and kindness to Nancy and the boys as they have navigated this tremendous loss.
Perhaps when you light your candle for Silent Night this year, say a quiet prayer for Nancy,
Nathan and Joel, whom we will continue to hold in our hearts.
During this difficult time of grief, we were so fortunate that Rev. Carla felt called to
postpone her sabbatical and fill in for Rev. Nancy, and that Rev. Julie, who joined us to fill in
during Carla’s sabbatical, was able to stay on with us longer than originally planned.
Not only have Rev. Carla and Rev. Julie stepped up to provide exceptional guidance and
support over the past few months, but the whole staff has shown incredible commitment,
and we are so grateful. Our love, thanks and prayers to Rev. Nancy, Rev. Carla, Rev. Julie,
Alexis and John (thrift shop), Nayana and Sabrina (café), Fouad (office), Julian, Marcus,
Dominique and Mary (music ministry), Phoebe (sound), Angela and Heather (video editing),
and Katie & Isla (children’s community) for their dedicated service to our community.
And thanks to YOU – the community itself! So many of you do so much to make Mount
Seymour United Church the vibrant place it is. Whether you volunteer in the thrift shop, or
on a committee, or bake cookies for the café, or sit on the Council, your contributions are
so greatly needed and appreciated. I am constantly amazed by the amount of generosity (of
time, talent, and resources) that is displayed day after day, and I am so proud of being part
of a church that truly lives generously, nurtures spirit and IS community.
The year ahead will undoubtedly present its fair share of challenges, and we will face them
with all the courage and grace we can muster. And I know it will also present abundant
blessings: one in particular will be the labyrinth that has been a dream for months and is
soon to be a reality as part of our on-going garden project, which “grew” out of a desire to
“turn the church inside out”. We look forward to walking the labyrinth, and walking further
along life’s journey, with all of you, with God’s love guiding us.
I wish all of you and your families moments of quiet reflection over the Christmas season
so that you may be open to – and receive – all its blessings. And I wish you good health and
happiness throughout the year ahead.
With sincere gratitude,
Kirsten Harkins, MTSUC Council Chair