About Us

who we are

nurturing spirit

Explore the mysteries of life

We welcome those who consider themselves to be Christians, those who are part of other faith traditions and all who seek to explore the mysteries of life and serve the ideals of compassion, justice and peace.

being community

Join our community

The welcome we extend in this church is as broad and deep as we can make it. We welcome you wherever you are on life’s journey, no matter how young or old you are, whatever your marital or economic status, sexual orientation, ethnic or cultural heritage.

living generously

Make a difference

Our projects and initiatives help to knit us together as a church community, and allow us to extend our services and love to the greater community around us. We welcome your participation, large or small: everyone makes a difference.


If you are reading this you are probably “checking us out” to see if we might be a good fit for you and your beliefs. I encourage you to browse through this website, read or listen to a few sermons and then if you are still interested, check us out in real time.  There are a variety of ways to connect with us.

If it’s a more traditional form of church you are seeking, Sunday morning might be best for you. If you consider yourself more spiritual than religious, one of our Monday evening spiritual practice offerings might be of interest.

Check out our Thrift Shop if connecting through volunteer work is what’s most appealing. Many have found our once a month Jubilee Choir a great place to have their spirits raised while being part of what happens here.

Although we have lots going on in our space, we are a relatively close knit community where we try to get to know each other and extend a welcome that is warm and wide. Some who gather here are Christians, some are from other faith traditions and some are just great people who find meaning and purpose in this place.

If you still have questions, please feel free to contact Nancy at via email with your thoughts.
Our Latest Reflections